Psychic readings and healings help us to move forward in our lives with a sense of peace and direction.

During a psychic reading or healing, I will be looking at your spiritual energy and giving you clear information on what is getting in the way of your spirit-to-body communication.

I will explain what energy or life events are causing you issues and a feeling of being out of balance in your life. This information may come from several different areas.  There may be energy stuck in a past life, a spiritual contract you made with someone else, an energy vibration for a lesson that you are working through, a belief that is no longer working for you or stuck energy causing you pain in the body.

  • Readings may be done in person, over the phone or using Skype.

  • Hands-on-Healing must be done in person.

  • One hour $180.00

  • Half hour $90.00

  • Groups or parties, please call for quotes.